New this year our Hosted Retailer Program is designed to prioritise the quality of your meetings over the quantity, ensuring you make the most meaningful connections as possible.
As part of the program we’re offering 80 complimentary passes and up to $750 in travel reimbursement for qualifying enterprise retailers.
This new approach places greater value on quality connections, allowing you to concentrate on forming strategic, high-impact partnerships that will genuinely drive your business forward.
To secure your free pass, simply confirm and attend up to 8 meetings with top agency, tech, or publisher leaders at PI LIVE USA. These are double opt-in, so don’t worry, you’ll only match with those you choose.
We encourage you to apply early — spots are limited, and this is your chance to boost your business with guaranteed face-to-face connections!
To qualify for the scheme, individuals must meet the following criteria:
- Be directly employed by an enterprise retailer
- Be buyers or influencers in the purchase of relevant performance marketing technology, or be the decision maker for publisher partnerships
👉 As a retailer, you can apply now here
👉 If you’re an agency, tech, or publisher looking to purchase a block of hosted meetings – find out more